5 Laws of Living in Floresville, Wilson County, Texas that affect real estate

In Wilson County, the rural real estate market presents unique challenges due to its various different types of properties so having a local real estate agent is essential. Home buyers, especially ones moving into the area, may not be aware of the differences between being in a city and being in a rural community. Being a skilled local agent means that I understand this county and its different types of properties. It’s important to note that these rules and regulations can vary by areas, so it’s crucial to understand these in your specific neighborhood. So knowing these 5 “laws” is essential for a successful transaction. For inquiries regarding properties in Wilson County, feel free to contact Faye Y Taylor with StepStone Realty for guidance and support. 

1. The City vs Country homes “law”

Living in a bigger city especially a large one is very different from living in small towns like Floresville. Each town has its own specific regulations, some more stringent than others. We were still part of the “old west” where one could trust their neighbor. Or not worry about what their neighbor was doing as long as they don’t bother others. We never locked our doors or our cars in the past. That is changing with our massive influx of population so rules have been put into place. And as Texans each city still governs itself with its own rules.   The county rural subdivisions are govern by county regulations always and deed restrictions (or not).

2. The Law of Utilities in Wilson County

There is a distinct difference in utilities. The towns function like the big cities with city utilities like water and sewer and electricity. Fiber is coming to the towns.  Not so in the county. There are no city water or sewer lines extending to the country areas. Instead, private rural water companies serve much of the county, though not all. These companies must go to great lengths to provide water to rural subdivisions, including drilling wells, laying lines, and conducting water tests. Understandably, this comes at a cost, as these companies need to turn a profit to operate sustainably. The other areas that are less populated a well is required. There are regulations that govern the size of the land for a well. Unlike city sewer systems, rural properties typically rely on septic tanks, with each house responsible for its maintenance. There is also regulations for the location and size of a lot for a septic. While many areas in the county are serviced by the city electrical company, some regions are served by Co-Op electrical companies. It’s crucial for your chosen real estate agent to grasp the implications of these utility providers on your homeowner experience. In Wilson County, for example, residents have one choice for their electrical provider, whereas Atascosa County offers more options in certain areas. Although fiber internet is not yet widely available in all areas of the county, its reach is gradually expanding in the more populated areas. In the interim, satellite internet serves many rural areas. While cell phone coverage may be inconsistent in different areas depending upon your carrier, overall connectivity is mostly reliable.

3. The “Noise” Law

In many areas, there is a law that regulates noise levels in residential neighborhoods. Homeowners must adhere to certain noise restrictions between certain hours to prevent disturbances to neighbors. This law is in place to promote peaceful and respectful living in the community. To ensure compliance with this law, it’s essential to consult to understand any restrictions in your area before hosting any large events on your property.

4. The “Fireworks” Law

In many areas, there is a law that regulates fireworks in residential neighborhoods. The cities all do have laws against fireworks in the city. This law is in place to promote safety and peaceful and respectful living in the community. To ensure compliance with this law, it’s essential to realize safety first and not to use fireworks in the city limits. All one needs is a roof to catch fire. There is plenty of open space to enjoy fireworks, even a trip to San Antonio to their spectacular New Year’s Eve fireworks celebration across from the AlamoDome.

5. The Texas “Open Range” Laws

Texas was a western state with cattle plentiful throughout its history. Now the important question is, who is responsible when a person is injured or killed in an animal-related crash? The answer is more complicated than you may think. For more information see: Texas-livestock-laws-what-you-need-to-know-in-Texas. If you were in an animal accident, it’s essential to determine whether the animal is classified as livestock or wildlife under Texas law. This distinction determines what the accident can be considered. Animals such as feral hogs or deer are considered as “Acts of God” and no one is liable as they are wildlife. Another area to get more information is Livestock-laws Texas State Cattlemen Association

Understanding the local laws and regulations when buying or selling real estate in Floresville, Wilson County Tx is essential. By being aware of these five laws, buyers and sellers can have a better experience. Reach out to the local real estate agent so you can master the buying or selling process with confidence. (210) 216-7722